Return home
It’s when I’m underwater, that I breach the surface of my soul
Unsure if I’ll crash upon the waves of what’s foretold
And some say that this life is just a meaningless black hole
If that’s the case, then who’ll redress the wounds that make me sore?
And I am not a preacher, nor am I the worst of sinners sowed
I’m somewhere in between, desperate to find my home
And it is not ‘this place’ of that I’ve become sure
My heart bears witness that desires are sandcastles in how they fall
And I’m quite sick of speaking with vagueness, yet here I go
My mind’s an enigma that enacts not enough of what it knows
And won’t admit it, but almost fatalistically yearns for depression’s throes
For at least there it knows the surroundings like the familiarity of death row
And this pessimism is quite the opposite of what’s in vogue
Amongst the can do attitude of successful folks
But who’s to say my words aren’t legacy enough to have this life let me go
Not out of pity, but out of a desire to return to my true home